This page collects all the seminars organised in the Department.
To join our seminars and be updated on new events, please send an email to
All times are CET.
II semester 2024/2025
24 January 2025 - 12.30 - Common Room
Luigi Siciliani (York University) "Pay for Performance, Health Inequalities and Equity-Efficiency Trade-offs in Primary Care"
30 January - 12.30 - Sala del Consiglio
Massimiliano Caporin (University of Padua) "The Artificial Intelligence Premium"
3 February - 12.30 - Sala del Consiglio
Serena Fatica (European Commission - Joint Research Centre) "The Effect of Center-Based Early Education on Disadvantaged Children’s Developmental Trajectories: Experimental Evidence from Colombia"
17 February - 12.30 - Common Room
Michele Giannola (University of Naples Federico II) "The Effect of Center-Based Early Education on Disadvantaged Children’s Developmental Trajectories: Experimental Evidence from Colombia"
I semester 2024/2025
14 October - 12:30 pm - Sala Consiglio
Bernardo Fanfani (Università di Torino) " Collective bargaining and the Italian wage structure"
21 October - 12:30 pm - Sala Consiglio
Alberto Quaini (Erasmus University Rotterdam) "The cyclicality of subjective beliefs, risk and risk premia"
11 November - 12:30 pm - Common Room
Leopoldo Catania (Aarhus University) "A new way to specify dynamic models"
25 November - 12:30 pm - Sala Consiglio
Federico Vaccari (University of Bergamo) "The Unelected Hand? Bureaucratic Influence and Electoral Accountability"
17 December - 12:30 pm - Common Room
Ahmed Tritah (Université de Poitiers) "Terrorism, Media Attitudes Towards Migration and Votes: Evidence from France"
II semester 2023/2024
20 February - 1:00 pm - Common Room
Fabio Trojani (University of Geneva) - "Tradable Factor Risk Premia and Oracle Tests of Asset Pricing Models"
26 February - 1:00 pm - Sala Consiglio
Matteo Sandi (Università Cattolica-Milan) - "Sentencing severity and domestic violence: Evidence from Brazil"
1 March - 1:00 pm - Sala Consiglio
Paolo Santucci de Magistris (LUISS) - "Intermittency and the Potential of Wind Energy for CO2 Abatement"
11 March - 1:00 pm - Common Room
Orla Doyle (University College Dublin) - "The effectiveness of early life investments: evidence from the preparing for life trial"
25 March - 1:00 pm - Common Room
Sergio Galletta (ETH Zurich) - "War violence exposure and tax compliance"
8 April - 5:00 pm - Common Room and online (MEDEA/Economics Seminar)
Mateo Montenegro (TSE) - "Job Retention at Scale"
7 May - 1:00 pm - Common Room
Esther Ruiz (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) - "Expecting the unexpected: Stressed scenarios for economic growth"
19 June - 11:00 am - Sala Consiglio
Pietro Peretto (Duke University) - "Dynamic Effects of Taxes and Transfers in an Unequal Schumpeterian Economy"
I semester 2024/2025
27 November - 1:30 pm - Sala Consiglio
Giulia Livieri (London School of Economics) "A Mean Field Game approach for pollution regulation of competitive firms"
II semester 2023/2024
6 February - 1:00 pm - Common Room
Antonio Balzanella (Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli) - "Optimal transport theory with application to Clustering and Co-clustering"
5 March - 12:00 pm - Common Room
Eleonora Grassucci (Università La Sapienza) - "Quaternion machine learning"
13 May - 12:30 pm - Common Room
Lucia Paci (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) - "Bayesian inference of spatio-temporal modeling, Graphical models, Ecological and Environmental applications"
II semester 2024/2025
31 January 2025 - 12:30 pm - Common Room
Andrea Bellucci (Università degli Studi dell'Insubria) "Authority, Information, and Credit Terms: Evidence from Small Business Lending"
4 April 2025 - 11:00 am - Common Room
Igor Filatotchev (King's Business School) "Small worlds within global supply chains: Implications for multinational enterprises’ environmental, social, and governance controversies"
19 May 2025 - 1:00 pm - Room E
Igor Kalinić (European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) -European Commission) "European policies for SMEs competitiveness"
21 May 2025 - 1:00 pm - Common Room
Vasiliki Bamiatzi (University of Sussex Business School) "Research challenges in international marketing"
I semester 2024/2025
27 September - 1:30 pm - Room FL
Jekaterina Rindt (Lancaster University) "The Metaverse Governance: a case for an institution-based view of innovation management"
4 November - 1:00 pm - Sala Consiglio
Gustavo Behling (University of Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI) "Researching Entrepreneurship in (and with) Brazil: Insights, Methods, and Opportunities"
II semester 2023/2024
22 February - 1:00 pm - Common Room
Surender Munjal (Aston University) - "Inward FDI and internationalization emerging market firm: Moderating effects of firm size"
18 March - 1:00 pm - Common Room
Stefano Filomeni (Essex Business School) - "Does soft information mitigate gender bias in corporate lending?"
15 April - 1:00 pm - Sala Consiglio (MEDEA/MANAGEMENT Seminar)
Chiara Farronato (Harvard Business School) - "Vertical Integration and Consumer Choice: Evidence from a Field Experiment"
18 April - 1:00 pm - Common Room
Igor Filatochev (King’s College London) & Chizu Nakajima (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London, UK; Graduate School of International Public Policy, University of Osaka, Japan; The British Japanese Law Association, London, UK) - ""Small worlds” within Global Value Chains: Implications for Multinational Enterprises’ Environmental, Social, and Governance Controversies"
24 April - 1:00 pm - Room 14
Tomasz Domanski (University of Lodz) "The Internationalization of the European retail industry. The Polish case"
15 May - 3:00 pm - Chiesetta
Torben Pedersen (Copenhagen Business School) "Globalization, Disruption, and Resilience Strategies of Companies"
4 June - 1:00 pm - Aula E
Mats Alvesson (Lund University) "Systematic stupidity in organizations: How to identitfy and reduce it"
Cycle of conferences from November 2024 to March 2025
Organized by: prof. Giacomo Bormetti and prof. Daria Ghilli, Università di Pavia and Gabriele Cedrani, Collegio Ghislieri
Collegio Ghislieri, 6 pm
Aula Goldoniana, Piazza Ghislieri 5
Consortium for International Marketing Research
May 19-22, 2025 Pavia, Italy
October 30, 2024
The workshop "The dynamics of Global Value Chains (GVCs) and Italian SMEs Strategies" is linked to the PNRR project GRINS - Growing Resilient, Inclusive, and Sustainable. Scientific Director at the University of Pavia: Prof. Antonella Zucchella.
Venue: University of Pavia, Department of Economics and Management, Kiro Lab Room - San Felice.
Econometric Workshop in memory of Carlo Giannini (1948-2004)
September 13, 2024
Department of Economics and Management
Ex Chiesetta, Via San Felice, 5
30 June 2023, 4.00 p.m. - Polo Tecnologico di Pavia
Danny Shen (Founder & President Ruby Robotics, Serial Entrepreneur) - Reimagining an Industry - The case of "EARGO"
20 Nov 2023 - 12.30 pm - online
Raffaele Giuliana (European Systemic Risk Board) "Financial fragility in open-ended mutual funds: the role of liquidity management tools"
18 January - 5 p.m. - online
Pierpaolo Benigno (University of Bern) - "Managing Monetary Policy Normalization"
13 March - 1 p.m.
Davide Cantoni (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) - "Identifying the Effect of Election Closeness on Voter Turnout: Evidence from Swiss Referenda"
15 March - 1 p.m.
Daniele Valenti (Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei) - "Energy shocks in the Euro area: disentangling the pass-through from oil and gas prices to inflation"
29 March - 5 p.m.
Leonardo Madio (University of Padova) - "Platform lending"
16 October - 1 pm
Florian Oswald (Science Po) - "Structural Change, Land Use and Urban Expansion?"
6 November - 1 pm
Andrea Colciago (Bicocca&NDB) - "Barriers to Entry and the Labor Market"
25 January - 5 p.m. - online
Giorgio Corani (IDSIA, Lugano) - "Reconciliation of hierarchical forecasts"
31 January - 5 p.m. - online
Raffaella Calabrese (University of Edinburgh) - "Spillover effects in credit constraints for UK SMEs: a spatial sample selection model"
3 May - 5 p.m. - online
Charilaos Mertzanis (Abu Dhabi University) - "Cultural values and green bond issuance"
7 June - 12 p.m. - Common room
Marı́a Caridad Sevillano Lozano (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain) - "Dynamic connectedness between oil price shocks and US sector returns"
23 October - 12.30 pm - online
Jean-Michel Poggi (LMO, Orsay, University Paris-Saclay & University Paris Cité, France) - "Boosting diversity in Regression Ensembles"
20 December 2022 - 1 p.m. - Sala Consiglio (Board room)
Speaker: Pierpaolo Parrotta (IESEG)
Title: 2002 EU Leniency Reform and Innovation Outcomes
14 December 2022 - 5 p.m. - online
Speaker: Cristina Orso (Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Italy)
Title: Immigration and the utilisation of preventive care in Europe: Results from retrospective data
5 December 2022 - 10 a.m. - online
Speaker: Selene Pennetta (Business School Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Title: "Friend-shoring", Is It the Future of Global Trade? - Being Culturally Smart May Be the Answer
23 November 2022 - 5 p.m. - online
Speaker: Riccardo M. Masolo (Bank of England, UK)
Title: Asset Heterogeneity and the Equitable Rate of Interest
9 November 2022 - 5 p.m. - online
Speaker: Giacomo De Luca (Free University of Bolzano, Italy)
Title: Islamic Politics and Local Development: Evidence from Indonesia
26 October 2022 - 1 p.m. - Sala Consiglio
Speaker: Joaquin Alegre Vidal (Universitat de València, Spain)
Title: Organisational learning and digital transformation: Reflections and implications for research
18 October 2022 - 1 p.m. - Sala Consiglio
Speaker: Prakash Sharma (Master in International Cooperation and Development (MICD), Kathmandu, Nepal)
Title: Youth Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
12 October 2022 - 5 p.m. - Sala Consiglio
Speaker: Emiliano Santoro (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Title: Supply Shocks and Asset Market Participation
8 June 2022 – 1 p.m. – online
Speaker: Frederic Robert-Nicoud (Geneva School of Economics and Management, Switzerland)
Title: The Geography of Business Groups (with Luisa Gagliardi, Jérémy Laurent-Lucchetti and Grigorios Spanos)
11 May 2022 – 5 p.m. – online
Speaker: Ashraf Khan (IMF)
Title: Fintech and risk management
4 May 2022 – 5 p.m. – online
Speaker: Demetrio LaCava (Luiss, Italy)
Title: Realized Illiquidity (with Angelo Ranaldo e Paolo Santucci de Magistris)
13 April 2022 – 1 p.m. – online
Speaker: Benjamin Pugsley (University of Notre Dame, France)
Title: Demographic Origins of the Startup Deficit (with Fatih Karahan and Aysegul Sahin)
30 Mar 2022 – 1.00 p.m. – online
Speaker: Lorenzo Zirulia (University of Milan, Italy)
Title: Sticky price for declining risk? The case of cancellation premia in the hotel industry
22 Mar 2022 – 1.00 p.m. – online
Speaker: Damian Kedziora (LUT University, Finland)
Title: Intelligent Automation Software Disrupting Global Services
16 Mar 2022 – 1.00 p.m. – online
Speaker: Giorgio Primiceri (Northwestern University, UK)
Title: Inequality and business cycles
2 Mar 2022 – 1.00 p.m. – online
Speaker: Nicola Pavanini (Tilburg University)
Title: The Welfare Effects of Law Enforcement in the Illegal Money Lending Market
16 Feb 2022 – 1.00 p.m. – online
Speaker: Christian Mueller (DFKI- Deutsche AI research centre, Germany)
9 Feb 2022 – 1.00 p.m. – online
Speaker: Luca Nieri (Aarhus BSS, Denmark)
Title: Estimation of heterogeneous-agent models combining micro and macro data
2 Feb 2022 – 1.00 p.m. – online
Speaker: Leonardo Gambacorta (Bank for International Settlements)
Title: Central bank digital currencies: Motives, designs and economic implications
26 Jan 2022 – 1.00 p.m. – online
Speaker:Elisa Ossola (JRC)
Title: When do investors go green? Evidence from a time-varying asset-pricing model