We actively coordinate and participate in many National and International Research Projects
Periscope: Pan-European Response to the Impacts of COVID-19 and future Pandemics and Epidemics. A Horizon 2020 European project to measure and manage the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic, with 10 million funding and 32 partners (2020-2023, Coordinators).
Fin4Green: Finance for a Sustainable, Green and Resilient Society. An Italian Ministry of Research PRIN project aimed at building quantitative approaches for a robust assessment and management of risks related to sustainable investing (2022-2025, Unit coordinators).
FinTech: Financial supervision and technological compliance. A Horizon 2020 European project to develop fintech risk management models, with 2.5 million funding and 24 partners (2019-2022, Coordinators).
MISuRA: MultIvariate Statistical models for Risk mAnagement. An Italian Ministry of Research PRIN project aimed atdeveloping financial risk management models (2013-2016, Coordinators)
JUMPS: Jumpstarting Europe. New Macroeconomic Policies after the Great Crises. Italian Ministry of Research PRIN project, local coordinator P. Tirelli.
GREEDO: Green policy shocks, Economic transition, and Distributive conflicts. Italian Ministry of Research PRIN project, local coordinator P. Tirelli.