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Exam Registration

Fill the Study Plan

Each student must submit the Study Plan, following the instructions available at the following link.

Once the study plan is approved and visible in the student booklet, it will be possible to register for the exams through your private area.

Exam registration

Exam registrations take place online, through the Area Riservata, using the University credentials (User name: tax code in capital letters; Password: personal password of the University services ).

Registrations start around 20 days prior to the exam date and end 2 to 5 days (depending on the exam settings) before the exam date.
Step 1: enter your Student Portal;
Step 2: go to the Questionnaire section to fill out the survey relevant to the exam;
Step 3: go to the Exam section to choose the session;

You can register into an exam on the Student Portal only if:

  • you paid all university tuition fees
  • that course is included in your Study Plan
  • you passed all propaedeutic exams related to the one to which you want to be registered
  • you attended the course, in case the attendance is compulsory

For more information, see the following page which contains the list of University sessions and the instructions for registering for the exam sessions.

For assistance with online registration, you can send an email to:

The exam sessions and the registration period calendar are available at the Bacheca Appelli di Ateneo.

For the examination sessions period, and the exam calendar consult:

Where to find exam methods information and study texts

Consult the University courses catalogue page.

Additional information and materials can be found on the corse  KIRO pages.

Results of exams will be sent to the student's university email box.
In case the grade is unsatisfactory, students can reject the grade within 5 days, by accessing their Area Riservata - Result Notice Board.
Without any action taken in these 5 days, the result will be confirmed and accepted automatically by the system.

If after some weeks a passed exam is not listed in Area Riservata - Carreer/Booklet, please contact the professor to check if he/she has registered the result in the system.

Students who fail the exam can retake it.