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Master's degree graduation guidelines

Master's Degree session - October 2024

Below is the detailed calendar of the Master Degree session.

Procedures for admission to graduation sessions


  • Please note that the cover and title page of the thesis must contain the following title:
    Department of Economics and Management” and the current academic year .
  • If the thesis is in English, it is mandatory to also include the title and abstract in Italian (also in the online application).

Undergraduate students for master’s degree courses must comply with the following procedures for admission to degree sessions:

  • Deadline 1 (see the 'Master’s Degrees schedule' document)

When assigning a Master’s Degree thesis, the candidate must fill in the co-supervisor request and antiplagiarism forms (for double degree students download the form from the paragraph “Master’s Degree thesis – guidelines” in this page) and have it signed by own (Italian) supervisor and sent by email to: (to 

for double degree students) completed in all its parts, within the deadline indicated. In particular, please refer to the Plagiarism Rules.  

Incomplete forms will NOT be accepted, under penalty of exclusion from the Degree session. Subsequently, the student will be notified exclusively by email, the name of the co-supervisor with whom he will have to establish the appropriate contacts for the final discussion. This name will also be communicated, again by e-mail, to the chosen speaker.

  • Deadline 2 (see the 'Master’s Degrees schedule' document)

For graduation application follow the online procedure.

  • Deadline 3 (see the 'Master’s Degrees schedule' document)

For delivering to the student secretariat (via S. Agostino 1) follow the online procedure.

From the graduation session in April 2020 it is no longer necessary to send a copy of the thesis to

Please note that, if the thesis is written in English, it is mandatory to also include the title and abstract in Italian. The abstract and the thesis must be uploaded in the same file in pdf/A format.
Abstract and title must also be included (in Italian and in English) in the online application.


Delivery to teachers

It is the student’s responsibility to deliver the thesis to the Supervisor and the Correlator (after its assignment) in paper or electronic format (.pdf). This choice is the exclusive competence of the Teachers and not of the candidate.

Thesis presentation and discussion
  • Download here the cover page template in .docx format
  • For the schedule of graduation sessions as well as the annual and monthly deadlines see the 'Master’s Degrees schedule' document
  • Graduation rules, awarding praise and how to fill in the thesis (.pdf)
  • Use of the pc and the projectotor during thesis defense.
    The software installed on the PC used (Windows 10/11) for thesis presentations is as follows:
    - Acrobat Reader XI
    - Power Point 2016/19
    - Excel 2016/19
    - Word 2016/19
    Students should contact the IT staff few days before the thesis defence date in order to let them upload the presentation on the computer which will be used on the thesis defence day.
    Please send the file by the Thursday before thesis defence to the e-mail address below:
    Please, write in the mail: name, surname, thesis defense day and hour.
Master’s Degree thesis – guidelines

From 1st of March 2013, in order to apply for thesis defense, students will have to follow the procedure illustrated in the “guidelines on thesis application” document.

Download the document:

  • For Double Degree students:

Co-supervisor request and antiplagiarism. This form will be delivered, complete in all its parts, at Double Degree office by mail to the address The form must be signed by Italian supervisor, without this signature form will be rejected.

  • For All the other students (no Double Degree):

Co-supervisor request and antiplagiarism. This form will be delivered, complete in all its parts, by mail to the address for registration. The form must be signed by Italian supervisor, without this signature form will be rejected.
Afterwards, will be notified to the student, exclusively via email, the name of the co-supervisor, with whom he will contact, also to send him the thesis.

The DD students must put, in the Co-supervisor form, the name and contacts of foreign supervisor. Double Degree office could get in touch with home university for a confirmation. Without this information the request will be rejected. These obligations are not expected for foreign students coming from partner Universities that do not provide for double supervisors.

All Double Degree students must undertake to deliver to the DD office an evaluation report of the thesis, if it is submitted before at home/host University, at least 15 days before italian graduation session. Without this home/host university evaluation report the student will not be admitted to the graduation session. This evaluation report may consist of a mark or a brief evaluation in the form of an analysis. The report or transcript or records with the master thesis grade has to be sent to:

Use of the projector during thesis defence
The software installed on the PC used for thesis presentations is as follows:

  • Acrobat Reader
  • Power Point 2016/19
  • Excel 2016/19
  • Word 2016/19

It is strongly recommended to contact the IT staff a few days before the thesis defence date in order for them to upload the presentation on the computer which will be used on the thesis defence day. Please write and send the presentation to the e-mail address below: