#225 (12/24) - A. Agosto, A. Tanda, "A short note on divergence and aggregation of ESG ratings: a survey"
#224 (11/24) - A. Francesconi, A. Tanda, "Open innovation in banking: a bibliometric study"
#223 (10/24) - G. Giorgi, "Some Investigations on Saddle Points of the Lagrangian Function"
#222 (07/24) - A. Colciago, M. Membretti, "Barriers to Entry and the Labor Market"
#221 (07/24) - A. Bitetto, P. Cerchiello, “ Initial Coin Offerings: can ESG mitigate Underpricing?”
#220 (05/24) - G. Giorgi, "Notes and Remarks on Convex and Generalized Convex Functions in Optimization Problems"
#219 (04-24) - L.Portoghese, P. Tirelli, "Getting ready for the next pandemic: supply- side policies to escape the health-vs-economy dilemma"
#218 (04-24) - D. Bosco, L. Portoghese, "Complementarity, Congestion and Information Design in Epidemics with Strategic Social Behaviour"
#217 (03-24) - G. Massari, L. Portoghese, P. Tirelli, "Whither Liquidity Shocks?
Implications for R∗ and Monetary Policy"
#216 (03-24) - D. Voelkening, "Product Design in a Cournot Duopoly"