Working Papers Series 2018-2020
#195 (11-20) – Ahelegbey D.F., Billio M., Casarin R., “Modeling Turning Points In Global Equity Market”
#194 (11-20) – Ahelegbey D.F., “A Statistical Measure of Global Equity Market Risk”
#193 (10-20) – Ahelegbey D.F., “Statistical Modelling of Downside Risk Spillovers”
#192 (09-20) – Ahelegbey D.F., Giudici P., “NetVIX – A Network Volatility Index of Financial Markets”
#191 (09-20) – Ahelegbey D.F., Ibhagui O.W., “Interconnected Deviations from Covered Interest Parity”
#190 (05-20) – Fasani S., Mumtaz H., Rossi L., “Monetary Policy Uncertainty and Firm Dynamics”
#189 (05-20) – Mojtahedi F., Mojaverian S.M., Ahelegbey D.F., Giudici P. “Tail Risk Transmission: A Study of Iran Food Industry”
#188 (05-20) – Ahelegbey D.F., Giudici P. “Market Risk, Connectedness and Turbulence: A Comparison of 21st Century Financial Crises”
#187 (04-20) – Crea G., Beretta V. “Chronic diseases in Italy: Does socioeconomic status carry weight? “
#186 (03-20) – Ahelegbey D.F., Giudici P., Mojtahedi F. “Tail Risk Measurement In Crypto-Asset Markets”
#185 (03-20) – Agosto A., Giudici P. “A Poisson autoregressive model to understand COVID-19 contagion dynamics”
#184 (02-20) – Superti Furga F. “La nuova povertà”
#183 (02-20) – Giudici P., Leach T., Pagnottoni P. “Libra or Librae? Basket based stablecoins to mitigate foreign exchange volatility spillovers”
#182 (02-20) – Ahelegbey D.F., Fianu E.S., Grossi L. “Modeling Risk Contagion in the Italian Zonal Electricity Market”
#180 (02-20) – Agosto A., Ahelegbey D.F. “Default count-based network models for credit contagion”
#179 (01-20) – Agosto A., Giudici P., Raffinetti E. “A rank graduation accuracy measure”
#178 (01-20) – Ahelegbey D.F., Giudici P., Qamhieh Hashem S. “Network VAR models to Measure Financial Contagion”
#177 (12-19) – Anderloni L., Moro O., Tanda A. “Governance e performance nelle imprese di assicurazioni: un’analisi bibliometrica ed una meta analisi”
#176 (12-19) – Filippin M.E. “Gender pay gap: a route from the North to the South of Italy”
#175 (10-19) – Giorgi G. “Nonnegative square matrices: irreducibility, reducibility, primitivity and some economic applications”
#174 (09-19) – Marson M., Vaggi G. “Sustainable value chains in agriculture. The African Indigenous Vegetables in Southern Nakuru County”
#171 (03-19) – Giorgi G. “On Second-Order Optimality Conditions in Smooth Nonlinear Programming Problems”
#170 (03-19) – Castagnetti C., Rosti L., Toepfer M. “Assessing Changes in Wage Gaps: A New Approach”
#169 (02-19) – Di Iorio F., Giorgietti M.L. “Launch of a product and patents: evidence from the US cardiovascular pharmaceutical sector”
#168 (01-19) – Punzo C., Rossi L. “The Redistributive Effects of a Money-Financed Fiscal Stimulus”
#167 (11-18) – Giorgi G., Zuccotti, C. “Forma Canonica di Jordan e Sistemi di Equazioni Differenziali: Note Didattiche”
#166 (10-18) – Penikas H.I., Surkov, M.A. “History of the World Largest Financial Losses in 1972-2018”
#165 (07-18) – Bertoletti P., Etro F. “Monopolistic Competition with GAS Preferences”
#164 (07-18) – Cerchiello P., Toma A.M. “ICOs success drivers: a textual and statistical analysis”
#163 (06-18) – Di Iorio F., Giorgetti, M.L. “The impact of submarket concentration in the US pharmaceutical industry in 1987-1998”
#161 (06-18) – Castagnetti C. “A Novel Approach for Testing the Parity Relationship Between CDS and Credit Spread”
#160 (06-18) – Giorgi G. “A Guided Tour in Constraint Qualifications for Nonlinear Programming under Differentiability Assumptions”
#157 (05-18) – Vaggi, G. “Development Finance in the age of Financial Mercantilism”
#156 (03-18) – Zanetti Chini E. “Forecasting dynamically asymmetric fluctuations of the U.S. business cycle”
#154 (03-18) – Florio A. “Unmoored expectations and the price puzzle”
#153 (02-18) – Di Novi C., Marenzi A. “The Smoking Epidemic across Generations, Gender and Educational Groups: A Matter of Diffusion of Innovations”
#151 (02-18) – Rossi L., Zanetti Chini, E. “Firms Dynamics and Business Cycle: New Disaggregated Data”
#150 (01-18) – Boitani A., Punzo, C. “Banks’ leverage behaviour in a two-agent New Keynesian model”
#148 (01-18) – Fasani S., Rossi, L. “Are Uncertainty Shocks Aggregate Demand Shocks?”
#147 (01-18) – Rossi, L. “The Overshooting of Firms Destruction, Banks and Productivity Shocks”
#146 (01-18) – Cavaliere A., Crea, G., Cozzi, A. “Price Discrimination in the Italian Medical Device Industry: An Empirical Analysis”
#145 (01-18) – Zanetti Chini E. “Forecaster’s utility and forecasts coherence”