Working Papers Series 2021-2023
#215 (10-23) - G. Giorgi, "Proofs of the Hawkins-Simon Conditions and Other Related Topics"
#214 (10-23) - A. Agosto, P. Cerchiello, "A data-driven test approach to identify COVID-19 surge phases: an alert-warning tool"
#213* (07-23) - G. Ascari, P. Bonomolo, Q. Haque, "The Long-Run Phillips Curve is ... a Curve"
#212* (07-23) - G. Ascari, S. Mavroeidis, N. McClung, "Coherence without Rationality at the ZLB"
#211* (07-23) - G. Ascari, Y. Zhang " Limited Memory, "Time-varying Expectations and Asset Pricing"
#210 (05-23) - A. Cavaliere, G. Crea "Generics Demand and Price Competition in Pharmaceutical Markets with Heterogeneous Consumers."
#209 (12-22) - A. Cavaliere, A. Moayedizadeh, "Competition between Generic and Brand Name Drugs: New Evidence from the U.S. Pharmaceutical Market"
#208 (07-22) - E. Colombo Azimonti, L. Portoghese, P. Tirelli, "Covid-19 supply-side fiscal policies to escape the health-vs-economy dilemma"
#207 (06-22) - A. Bitetto, P. Cerchiello, C. Mertzanis, "Dealing with dimension reduction in financial panel data"
#206 (06-22) – G. Giorgi, “Nonsingular M-matrices: a Tour in the Various Characterizations and in Some Related Classes"
#204 (10-21) – G. Giorgi, “Some Classical Directional Derivatives and Their Use in Optimization”
#203 (05-21) – G. Vaggi, L. Frigerio, “Foreign debt sustainability and human development in Sub Saharan Africa”
#202 (04-21) – R. Scaramozzino, P. Cerchiello, T. Aste, “Information theoretic causality detection between financial and sentiment data”
#201 (02-21) – A. Bitetto, P. Cerchiello, S. Filomeni, A. Tanda, B. Tarantino, “Machine Learning and Credit Risk: Empirical Evidence from SMEs”
#200 (02-21) – A. Bitetto, P. Cerchiello, C. Mertzanis, “A data-driven approach to measuring epidemiological susceptibility risk around the world”
#199 (02-21) – A. Bitetto, P. Cerchiello, C. Mertzanis, “A data-driven approach to measuring financial soundness throughout the world”
#198 (02-21) – D.F. Ahelegbey, P. Cerchiello, R. Scaramozzino, “Network Based Evidence of the Financial Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic”
#197 (01-21) – P. Cerchiello, A. M. Toma, M. Caluzzi, “ICOs White Papers: identity card or lark mirror?”